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First coordination call of ICT-38-2020 projects: Joining forces for the best of AI in manufacturing!

Today, 29 March 2021, the first call of the ICT-38-2020 projects’ coordinators took place, highlighting the importance of the projects’ collaboration towards more effective work on AI in manufacturing.

Nine (9) projects (including STAR) funded under the ICT-38-2020 Call focus on integrating state-of-the-art AI technologies in the manufacturing domain. The cooperation aims at exploiting synergies between the projects and increasing their impact.

The projects representatives explored the potential areas of synergies and imminent activities. Planning of a series of virtual thematic workshops, potential for technology and skills transfer, opportunities for joint dissemination (publications, conferences) and communication (communication pipeline, mutual social media promotion) activities as well as synergies and linking with other Groups (e.g., DMP Cluster, AI4EU) to maximize the projects’ impact were also discussed.

Representatives of EFFRA and AI4EU were also present in this discussion and shared their vision towards the ICT-38 projects’ collaboration with these initiatives.

The call was coordinated by Dr John Soldatos (STAR coordination team) and supported by EFFRA and the ConnectedFactories CSA.


ICT-38-2020 projects:

AI-PROFICIENT (Artificial Intelligence for improved PROduction efFICIEncy, quality and maintenance – 957391)

ASSISTANT (leArning and robuSt deciSIon SupporT systems for agile mANufacTuring environments – 101000165)

COALA (COgnitive Assisted agile manufacturing for a LAbor force supported by trustworthy Artificial Intelligence – 957296)

EU-Japan.AI (Advancing Collaboration and Exchange of Knowledge Between the EU and Japan for AI-Driven Innovation in Manufacturing – 957339)

knowlEdge (Towards AI powered manufacturing services, processes, and products in an edge-to-cloud-knowlEdge continuum for humans [in-the-loop] – 957331)

STAR (Safe and Trusted Human Centric Artificial Intelligence in Future Manufacturing Lines – 956573)

MAS4AI (Multi-Agent Systems for Pervasive Artificial Intelligence for assisting Humans in Modular Production Environments – 957204)

TEAMING.AI (Human-AI Teaming Platform for Maintaining and Evolving AI Systems in Manufacturing – 957402)

XMANAI (Explainable Manufacturing Artificial Intelligence - 957362)